Monday, December 16, 2019

Fly, Rose, Fly!

There comes a time when we have to let our babies go.

We do it in fits and starts with our children; teaching them one moment and holding them to us the next, until they take a leap - or a series of leaps - on their own, to find their own unique place in the world.

It's a classic gateway in parenting as well as growing up, both terrifying and exalting.

I think art is similar; the products of our creative selves.

My books are created within me - mind, heart, and soul. They develop and grow, taking time and energy and love - lots of love. Releasing them is bittersweet; there is pride but fear bites it back. There is hope, but doubt holds it down. There are goals, but time is an ever-present force, pulling at the horse who bounds ahead and pushing the one that limps behind.

In the weeks pre and post-launch, I was focused in all ways on the plight of my baby. Even as I edited Heather's Grave (Book 2), Rose lurked peripherally, always. I checked on her several times a day and rejoiced in her progress! And when she stumbled, I determined every time to support her when she fell, and to believe, unfailingly, that she would be OK.

Now that the signings are behind me and the day is marked by a newly-launched blog tour, I find myself settling back into myself, satisfied that we've made it through the storm.

And other projects call me.

So, in good faith and remaining at my post for Rose's Ghost, should she need anything at all, I loosen my grip on her and let her fly!

Here is where she is for the next two weeks:

Please follow the tour and enter for your chance to win a signed hard copy of Rose's Ghost or one of five copies of the e-version!

Tour Schedule:
Week One:

Week Two:

And here is what's coming next:

Constance and Enzo's Tea Time With Peyton

I'm beyond excited to be going back to this one, which was started while I was writing the Rose's Ghost series, and then put aside when I realized I'd have to wait to release it until after the series was out!

Why, you ask? Because it features characters from the series! And Peyton from That Summer and Margot from Bird With a Broken Wing are there, too...I hope readers will enjoy seeing them grown up as much as I'm enjoying the trip the book is taking me on.

Watch for an excerpt in the next couple of days!

And, hey - if you see Rose in your travels, give her some support, OK? She's doing alright, but it's a tentative success. She (read: *I*) still really needs your support!

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